PAB S40 6th FP1 Premium Themes

Petualangan Aksara di Bali Theme for Nokia S40 Touch & Type

The official premium theme of Petualangan Aksara di Bali game for Nokia Series 40 6th Edition Feature Pack 1 (Touch & Type) which is available on Nokia Store. There is another theme which is also available for free, the official free theme of Petualangan Aksara di Bali game is also available now on Nokia Store.


Petualangan Aksara di Bali got Merit Award – INAICTA 2011

We are very proud to announce that Petualangan Aksara di Bali got Merit Award  – Mobile Games category in Indonesia ICT Award (INAICTA) 2011. This competition was supported by Ministry of Information and Communication Indonesia and also Nokia Indonesia as a main sponsor. Many people said that INAICTA was the biggest ICT event in Indonesia.[…]

Petualangan Aksara di Bali for Nokia Series 40 & 60

Petualangan Aksara di Bali (PAB) is a sequel of Petualangan Aksara di Jawa in which Aksara continues his journey to Bali Island. The story of this game is about Made grandpa who wants to give his shops in Bali to Aksara. He really loves the culture of Bali especially Balinese Letter so he wants Aksara[…]