Waroeng Ekspres Jawa, 2nd Winner CHIP – Nokia Mobile Game Developer Final War

CHIP-Nokia Mobile Game Developer Final War 2011 was the final event held by CHIP and sponsored by Nokia. Nine teams from the previous Nokia Mobile Game Developer War in Bandung, Jogja and Jakarta participated in this event. This final war was conducted on June 4th, 2011 at fX Mall, Senayan, Jakarta.

Venue CHIP Nokia Mobile Game Developer War

Venue CHIP Nokia Mobile Game Developer War

There are 12 judges in this event, which are: Sandra Dewi (artist & Nokia ambassador), Narenda Wicaksono (Nokia Indonesia), Wicak Hidayat (detikINET.com), Aditya Nuswandana (HOT Game Magazine), Bayu Widhiatmoko (CHIP Magazine), Andri Yadi (Dycode), Arief Widhiyasa (Agate Studio), Rhesa Surya Atmadja (DigiGames), Wiku Baskoro (DailySocial.net), Edi Taslim (Kompas.com), FIrstman Marpaung (Nokia.ICE) and Maretha Dewi (Nokia Indonesia).

Judges Session 1 CHIP Nokia Mobile Game Developer War

Judges Session 1 CHIP Nokia Mobile Game Developer War

Judges Session 2 CHIP Nokia Mobile Game Developer War

Judges Session 2 CHIP Nokia Mobile Game Developer War










We have an opportunity to join this final war because we have achieved 2nd winner of Nokia Mobile Game Developer War – Jogja Game Expo 2011. It’s an honor for us to compete in this event so we added some features and developed the next series of Waroeng Ekspres, which is Waroeng Ekspres Jawa. After it goes through the judgement process, Aksara Games Studio is proud to announce that Waroeng Ekspres Jawa got 2nd Winner of CHIP – Nokia Mobile Game Developer Final War.

The Winner CHIP Nokia Mobile Game Developer Final War

The Winner CHIP Nokia Mobile Game Developer Final War

Wait up and we’ll come with new updates.

Aditya Nuswandana

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