Taiwan's Modern App Developer

Couple Shots Won Best Camera Application in Taiwan’s Modern App Developer

We have just got a good news via e-mail from Microsoft Taiwan Corporation. Our brand new app, Couple Shots was selected by juries as Best Camera Application in Taiwan’s Modern App Developer. We are representated by our co-founder, Jeffrey Hermanto Halimsetiawan and his team to join in this competition which is conducted by Microsoft Taiwan. We hope[…]

Song Freaks v1.1

Song Freaks

Are you a song freaks who knows all kinds of music? Challenge yourself and prove your knowledge about song by playing Song Freaks. Guess song clips and beat the highest score! Show to the world that you’re really a song freaks! Song Freaks is now available on Windows Phone Store for your Windows Phone 7.5 or[…]

AKADEMIA by Aksara Games Studio

Akademia Mobile

Akademia is one of our successful education based game. Akademia has been arrived on PC several years ago and now Akademia arrives on mobile phones which is only on Windows Phone Platform for this time. This game also won some competitions, 2nd winner on Arkavidia 2.0 for the PC version and got bronze medal on[…]

Personality Viewer for Windows Phone Brochure

Personality Viewer for Windows Phone

Every person has different personality between each other. Based on Javanese culture, we are able to know our personalities by using “weton”. That “weton” is determined by the born date of someone. Do you want to know your personality or your friend’s personality? What are you waiting for? Just download and try this app for[…]

Tap Tap Ghost - Desktop Promotional Banner

Tap Tap Ghost oleh Aksara Studio

Jakarta, 15 Mei 2012 – Aksara Studio secara resmi mengumumkan game terbarunya yang berjudul Tap Tap Ghost. Tap Tap Ghost saat ini telah hadir untuk berbagai platform, yaitu: perangkat Nokia Series 40 Touch & Type, perangkat Symbian Belle OS, dan perangkat Windows Phone OS. Tap Tap Ghost merupakan sebuah game yang bertemakan hantu Indonesia. Maraknya[…]

Jakarta Trans Guide for Windows Phone

Jakarta Trans Guide is an application that gives information about public transportation in Indonesia especially in Jakarta. You can find Kopaja, MetroMini, Mikrolet, and the other public transportation route in Jakarta and also you can find information and phone number of taxi and ojek in Jakarta. Even you can share your experience using public transportation[…]