AKADEMIA by Aksara Games Studio

Akademia Mobile

Akademia is one of our successful education based game. Akademia has been arrived on PC several years ago and now Akademia arrives on mobile phones which is only on Windows Phone Platform for this time. This game also won some competitions, 2nd winner on Arkavidia 2.0 for the PC version and got bronze medal on[…]

AKADEMIA by Aksara Games Studio

Akademia Mobile Got Bronze Medal on Lumia Apps Olympiad

After the success of Akademia last year, we has built the mobile version called Akademia Mobile for Windows Phone Platform and this game has just got bronze medal on Lumia Apps Olympiad 2012. We are represented by our co-founder, Alexander Rahardjo to join in this competition. Hope that we can keep the quality of our product on the[…]

AKADEMIA by Aksara Games Studio

AKADEMIA – EduGame Petualangan Matematika dan Fisika

Aka sedang berjalan mengelilingi taman di hari Senin pagi. Tidak ingin terlambat mengikuti upacara, Aka bergegas menuju ke area sekolah. Jam hampir menunjukkan pukul 07.00 dan akhirnya Aka tiba di halaman sekolah tepat pada waktunya. Selama kurang lebih 1 jama, Aka mengikuti upacara bendera dengan khidmat dan tibalah waktunya masuk ke gedung sekolah. Aka berjalan[…]

ARKAVIDIA 2.0 Poster

AKADEMIA, 2nd Winner of ARKAVIDIA 2.0

We are glad to announce that Aksara Games Studio has won 2nd Winner System Design Competition of ARKAVIDIA 2.0. Theme for this competition is “IT Innovation for Daily Life” and we presented our project AKADEMIA which can help Junior High School students to learn mathematics and physics with fun. Lets boost up education in Indonesia[…]